(ƒ) does a happy lil' dance


updates archive  

March 2004

Screenshots, voices: 1, links: 1
[ Posted by Hercules on Thursday, March 4, 2004, at 10:10 PM ]
I added a bunch of screenshots of MegaZeux projects by Marcus, Jester and Jauhis to the Upcoming titles section. Promising stuff that is definitely worth a look!

Added 1 link to the Links section: ATELIERcudan's WebComicManga.

Added 1 voice file to the Voices archive: Nanobot.

I'll update again with some pictures and stuff in the near future. College has pretty much been keeping me busy lately, but I don't mind. I hope to have my first official article soon and I'm also going to Kenya/Tanzania (Africa) for two weeks in July. Good prospects. =)